Friday 24 April 2009

Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald


因为电影the curious case of Benjamin Button

弗朗西斯·斯科特·基·費茲傑羅(英語:Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald,1896年9月24日-1940年11月21日),簡稱史考特·費茲傑羅,中國大陸、港澳譯作斯科特·菲茨杰拉德,美國長篇小說、短篇小說作家。

費茲傑羅出生於美國明尼蘇達州的聖保羅市,是曾經有錢但已潦倒的商人之子,父親經商失敗,只得投靠岳家,寄人籬下的生活,滋味並不好受。大學就讀於普林斯頓大學,因為搞社團、辦刊物而被留級,休學一年之後,又復學取得 文憑。1917年從軍,1920年出版第一本小說《塵世樂園》,此書甫出版大受歡迎,讓他名利雙收,並娶門名之女賽爾妲·莎爾(Zelda Sayre)為妻。在1930年代,費茲傑羅飽受妻子精神狀態不佳,負債累累的經濟狀況影響,以及他本身的酗酒問題,因此作品並不多,1940年他因心臟病過世於好萊塢的格拉姆(Sheilah Graham)公寓。費滋傑羅一生為兩樣東西所困:一是才華,一是金錢,他都曾一度擁有,最後又全部失去。他死的時候,評論家都批評他生活腐化、自暴自棄,所以短壽早夭,浪費了自己的才華。費滋傑羅一生總共寫了4部長篇小說,150篇短篇小說。1930年4月,他的老婆賽爾妲精神崩潰,從此他的生活便充滿了痛苦。為了支付醫療費用和女兒的學費,他只得不斷替流行雜誌跟晚報寫散文、短篇小說,賺稿費過活,稿費高至四千美元一篇。他自我解嘲,說這是用粗製濫造的東西來換取時間,以便精心創作。1937年開始替好萊塢編劇,不斷通信遙控遠在東部瓦薩學院就讀的女兒,並開始動手寫長篇小說《最後一個影壇大亨》》(The Last Tycoon),結果還沒完成就過世了,初稿完成四分之三。身後文名如日中天,躍登二十世紀美國小說家數一數二的地位。


This Side of Paradise (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1922)
The Beautiful and Damned (New York: Scribner, 1922)
The Great Gatsby (New York: Scribner, 1925)
Tender Is the Night (New York: Scribner, 1934)
The Last Tycoon – originally The Love of the Last Tycoon – (New York: Scribners, published posthumously, 1942)

Short Story Collections

Flappers and Philosophers (Short Story Collection, 1920)
Tales of the Jazz Age (Short Story Collection, 1922)
All the Sad Young Men (Short Story Collection, 1926)
Taps at Reveille (Short Story Collection, 1935)
Babylon Revisited and Other Stories (Short Story Collection, 1960)
The Pat Hobby Stories (Short Story Collection, 1962)
The Basil and Josephine Stories (Short Story Collection, 1973)
The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald (Short Story Collection, 1989)

Short Stories
Bernice Bobs Her Hair (Short Story, 1920)
Head and Shoulders (Short Story, 1920)
The Ice Palace (Short Story, 1920)
May Day (Novelette, 1920)
The Offshore Pirate (Short Story, 1920)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Short Story, 1921)
The Diamond as Big as the Ritz (Novella, 1922)
Winter Dreams (Short Story, 1922)
Dice, Brassknuckles & Guitar (Short Story, 1923)
The Freshest Boy (Short Story, 1928)
"A New Leaf" (Short Story, 1931)
Babylon Revisited (Short story, 1931)
Crazy Sunday (Short Story, 1932)
The Fiend (Short Story, 1935)
The Bridal Party (Short Story)
The Baby Party (Short Story)

The Vegetable, or From President to Postman (play, 1923)
The Crack-Up (essays, 1945)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My favorite.......